How to Make a Road Winter Survival Kit

When stranded by the side of the road, it is important to have the necessary auto supplies for an emergency. These supplies can not only keep you safe, but also provide visual cues for those coming to your aid.

First always carry either roadside flares or roadside emergency triangles with lights. Many of the roadside triangles now come with LED lights, which helps them last longer. Place the lights in front and, most importantly, behind your car. These lights will alert oncoming motorists and help to prevent someone from crashing into your car due to lack of vision in bad weather.

You may also benefit cheap uggs for sale from carrying some tools and supplies that help you navigate in the snow. A box of kitty litter can be used to sprinkle on top of ice or snow to help provide traction for tires. You will also need a scraper with a brush to remove ice and snow from windows. Finally, always carry some spray lubricant to keep locks and doors from icing closed.

On top of the normal auto supplies, you must also pack supplies that help you keep warm and safe while waiting for help. Many people overlook these supplies, but they could end up saving your life.

When stranded in cheap uggs the cold, your primary concern should be to stay dry and warm. Because of this, you must keep winter gear in the car such as hats, gloves, boots, scarves and extra socks. Always make sure to wear boots when venturing outside to prevent your feet from getting wet. If they do get wet, change into clean socks when back in the car.

You will also need additional warmth in the car. Always stock a couple warm blankets to help insulate you from the cold. You can also pack some jar candles and matches. The candles can provide enough heat to warm freezing fingers or toes. Always be careful though, when lighting a candle in a car. A lit candle should always be supervised and you should never fall asleep with a candle burning.

Finally, you must provide an adequate supply of water and some food. Pack a couple bottles of water along with some packaged snacks like pretzels. Peanut butter is another great emergency food because it can be stored at room temperature and it is very filling.

Follow the tips above to stay safe and warm during a winter roadside emergency. By planning ahead, you can be quick to avoid common problems on the road.

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