How to Make a 10 Newest Lens List and other Squidoo Trivia in Tens

Greetings, I'm so happy you are visiting. This is my way of sharing my 10 newest Squidoo lenses, plus some helpful tips on how you can do the same. For example, do you forget the date when you created a particular lens? I can help you find that information.

But first, a brief introduction. Though happynutritionist is my username, Nutrition is by far not the only thing I like to write about on Squidoo. I started traveling about the World Wide Web as a Nutritionist, and have used that username throughout the web for many years. So, I guess after over 15 years working and playing around ugg boots sale on the web using that identifier, it's safe to say that "happynutritionist" is my "brand name".

Writing as a lensmaster on Squidoo is one of my favorite things to do. This page is written to introduce you to my latest pages, which we call lenses on Squidoo. In a way, Squidoo is like a giant blog, with many working together to build it, and many, including myself, are enjoying some income in the process. You'll see some information about that here too.

People seem to like the number ten. 10 is used like I have on this page, to list the newest or best things. Like it or not, 10 has genuine ugg boots been used to rate the beauty of a woman thanks to the movie by the same name released in 1979 with the beautiful actress, Bo Derek, representing "the perfect 10".

I wonder what will come up if we simply use the number 10 as a search keyword in this eBay module? That's another way to make a bit of money on Squidoo, by the way. For me, the eBay module works best on my lenses about collectible or vintage items.

When clicking the "edit" button and opening the eBay module, I didn't change many of the options, I just put "10" in the keyword search field and set it to show 5 items. The fun thing about an eBay module set up this way is that the list of choices is always changing.

Let's see what we get by simply putting the number 10 in the "Enter your search keywords" field:

(1) If you visit the "Stats" link in the list that will drop down when you hover over each lens title in your Squidoo dashboard, it will have the date that you created the lens in small letters/numbers right under the title of the lens. Then you will see your lenses in order of latest lens created with the month and year next to each lens. There are many other helpful tools there as well. I always set mine so that I can approve what is shown, because this type of thing seems to bring the spammers out of the woodwork.

It can be set so that others can share the plexo on their pages, or you can set it so that it only appears on your page. I've set this one so that it only appears here and cannot be shared on other pages.

I'm happy to have you add your Squidoo page about your newest lenses below. I'll approve it just as quickly as I can.

If you enjoyed your visit, click the "thumbs up" here at the top and bottom of this page. We love Pinterest Pins, Twitter Tweets, and the like, so if you feel so inclined, use the bookmark bar below or buttons on the top and bottom of this page. It's a fun and easy way to share your interests, business, anything you want to share! You can get a page started to join, then come back and work on it later when you have more time.

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