How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

It's 2011 and the New Year was probably brought in with a list of resolutions. Somewhere at the top of that list is probably the intention to lose weight and get more exercise. Though as the weeks continue on, old habits return, patterns repeat themselves and before you know it, you have fallen off the band wagon. But what if this year you were successful? What if this was the last time you had to promise yourself that you were going to lose weight, because this time you actually kept it off? The following are some tips to make your weight loss journey a long lasting success.

According to a December 2010 issue of Time Magazine, one of cheap uggs the top 10 broken New Year's resolutions is losing weight and going to the gym. Year after year people make the commitment to fight the battle of the bulge, and by the end of the year they are resolving to do the same thing for the next year. But like any resolution, losing weight takes effort and keeping it off takes even more work.

In order to be successful at weight loss the goal has to be definitive and reachable, but most importantly realistic. Simply saying, "I am going to lose weight" isn't enough. How much do you want to lose and by when do you want to lose it? Perhaps say, "I want to lose 5 pounds in 2 months." cheap uggs for sale That will give you a clear amount with a definitive deadline. Make yourself accountable each week with weigh ins, and track how well you are progressing towards your goal.

Many people begin their new year by joining a gym, with the assumption that paying a monthly fee will be the motivation that they need to be more mobile. Yet the December 2010 issue of Time Magazine also cites a study that while gym attendance picks up in January, it's back to normal, preholiday attendance by midFebruary, in just enough time for the Valentine's Day chocolate rush.

If you are someone who enjoys the outdoors, then buy a warm coat and boots and walk the dog more frequently. Or, if joining a gym is something you want to commit to, make a promise to get there two or three times a week. How about joining an adult sports league? The trick is to find something that you actually like doing and make the commitment to do it a certain amount of times per week.

Choose a Diet Plan That's Realistic

There is appeal to losing 10 pounds in two weeks. And if ten pounds is all that has to be taken off, then perhaps a diet that yields those results is a viable option for you. Though what happens when that two weeks is up, the weight is off, and you go back to eating a "normal" diet? Usually the weight is put right back on. The best way to long term weight loss and keeping it off is choosing a diet plan that's more of a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix.

The appeal to eating steak every night with mounds of cheese, or drinking a chocolate shakes every day for breakfast and lunch loses its luster after about a week. A plan that offers a balanced diet, food variety, and manages to fit into "real life" yields more longterm success. The weight might take longer to come off, but it also stays off longer. Let's face it, it took a year to put on those 30 extra pounds, it might take a year to get them off. And if keeping it off long term were the trade off for a longer time to take the weight off, most would agree that success in the long run is worth the wait.

The most successful diets combine both healthy eating and regular physical activity. The two go hand in hand for an overall healthy life style. Maintaining a healthy weight, along with regular physical activity, and getting the right amount of vitamins and nutrients through the foods you eat, offers more health benefits than a quick diet solution, limited food intake supplemented by vitamin pills, and no exercise. When choosing a diet, it's not just about the scale; overall health is key to long term success.

Stay Focused and Don't Let One Mistake Ruin Your Entire Day

When beginning any new diet plan the key is stay on it. Yoyo dieting, going on and off a diet is not the way to revamp your life style and become healthier. The first two weeks of any new plan are always the most difficult, as changing old habits takes some time. But once you are into the swing of things and you are seeing results, you will become motivated to stick with it and resist temptation. And yet, there are times when you find yourself giving in, and splurging a bit.

Everyone has a bad moment. Everyone falls of the wagon from time to time. The key is to not let one bad choice, one meal, or one snack ruin your entire day. Don't let over eating at lunch set the precedent for the rest of the day. Don't find find yourself saying, "Well, I ate too much at lunch today. I'll start again tomorrow." If you slip up, self evaluate what went wrong, forgive yourself, and move on.

Losing weight is no easy feat. It may have taken years to put the weight on, therefore taking it off won't be quick. A diet program that offers a quick fix is just that, and you have very little chance to keep it off. For long term success, be sure to set clear goals, choose a realistic weight loss plan, and don't late an occasional mistake ruin your day.

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